広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 51 号
2003-03-28 発行

戦後初期の詩教育論についての考察 : 詩人の論を中心にして

A study of comments about the poetry instruction by poets in the early period of after WWII
幾田 伸司
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The aims of this paper are to examine what poets argued about the poetry instruction in the early Showa 20's, and to revaluate a criticism by Tatsuji Miyoshi against using poems in teaching materials. In that period, poets mainly insisted poetry instruction as emotional education, so that children could create and critique their daily lives. This idea that was inherited from the instruction of creating poems was in common with teachers. However, Tatsuji Miyoshi criticized that poems were used for poetical emotion in school. He indicated an issue of poems as teaching materials. It only influenced the standard to choose of poems to transcribe in textbooks. The standard of choice insisted by Tatsuji Miyoshi or other poets, and teachers was that the world and emotion in poems should be understood by children. And a combination of appreciating and creating poems was promoted as a method of poetry instruction. Many comments by poets were basically inherited from precedent opinions. They affirmed these opinions in Showa 20's, and then, they promoted that the poetry instruction was established as emotional education. In the trend of the age when poems were good teaching materials and more good poems should have been increased in textbooks, a criticism by Tatsuji Miyoshi was denied by many poets and teachers. Today, there are enough poems in textbooks, and the poetry instruction has been established in school education. Problems that was caused by the small amount of good poems for teaching materials are resolved today. Therefore, we should revaluate his criticism that denied the use of poetry in education.
poetry instruction
emotional education
Tatsuji Miyoshi
daily life
teaching materials