広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 51 号
2003-03-28 発行

「城の崎にて」再考 : 客体性をめぐる表現方法を中心に

A Review on "At Kinosaki" : Focusing on the expression concerning objectivity
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The paper studies the way how objectivity were expressed in "At Kinosaki". Precedent studies mainly focused on the frequency of the subjects. However, this paper intends to study from the point of view of objectivity, through the expressions at the end of the sentences and the psychological depiction. Formally, Ta-form and Ru-form at the end of each sentences were known as opposing compositions, but the writer observed the interrelationship between them and found that it has an attempt to preserve objectivity. Also, from the psychological depiction which was once treated as a subjective element, it was shown that it was also used as an expression for objectivity through the comparatively indirect expressions and continuous introduction of the psychological depiction. The writer suggested that "At Kinosaki" should be treated as just the point of departure of Shiga Naoya's expressions and not the representative expression of his works.
At Kinosaki
Shiga Naoya