広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 51 号
2003-03-28 発行

江戸期朱子学者の「武国日本」認識と朝鮮観 : 新井白石・雨森芳洲・中井竹山を中心に

The Neo-Confucianists' Recognition of Japan as pursuing the policy of Militarism and Viewpoints of Chosun through Arai Hakuseki, Amenomori Hoshu and Nakai Chikuzan
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Today, there are some debates on Amenomori Hoshu as an idealistic international person and on Korean Envoys as a symbol of good neighborly friendship in Edo period. In modern age, the 'Chinese World Order' was an useful point of view when intellectuals prescribe for the relations between self and the others. How was such viewpoint on the others revealed in discourses among the Japanese intellectuals based on the Neo-Confucianism in Edo period? In this paper, I hope to find out how Japanese intellectuals' viewpoints of Chosun reflected on their own identities.
Chinese World Order
Korean Envoys
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