13 号
2021-03-30 発行
ISSN : 1883-8200
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学
PP. -
Changes in learners’ consciousness caused by project-based learning in Okayama University Graduate School
青木 多寿子 山﨑 麻友 韓 笑 趙 徳慧
PP. 37 - 47
Children’s jumping board speech improves the quality of classroom discussions: In a 4th-grade science class using the teacher’s speech model
金沢 緑
PP. 49 - 58
What social skills are necessary for people with high social anxiety to interact with others positively?
菊池 美里 児玉 真樹子
PP. 59 - 68
Effects of perfectionism in learning on achievement motivation and achievement goals
木村 早紀子 藤木 大介
PP. 69 - 78
Development of “Feeling Share Pocket Chart” to Support Understanding of Other’s: Prevention of Miscommunication Under COVID-19
松山 康成 栗原 慎二
PP. 79 - 85
Relation of Developmental Disorder Tendency and Internalizing Problems in Higher Grade Elementary School Children
森山 慶 問田 智也 藤木 大介
PP. 87 - 96
A Study of the Relationship between Students' Sense of “Ibasho” and the Abilities Developed in Special Activities
延本 佳子 米沢 崇
PP. 97 - 105
Effects of Infusion Lessons on Students’ Critical Thinking Attitudes
重枝 孝明 宮木 秀雄 沖林 洋平
PP. 107 - 115
A Study on the Life of Chinese International Students in Japan
趙 碩 周 正 藺 鵬 費 暁東
PP. 117 - 124
Practical Study on Learning Design that stimulates Self-regulation in Children
住田 裕子
PP. 125 - 134
A Personal Attitude Construct (PAC) Analysis of Teachers’ Recognition of the Need for Student Career Guidance Counseling at a High School in Shandong Province
青木 多寿子 許 暁
PP. 135 - 140
Inverse Composition Tasks in Second Grade Classes: With a Focus on Metacognitive Strategy
小松 和佳
PP. 141 - 150
Teachers’ social skills as a determinant factor of their behavior and attitude leading to trust from children: Focusing on children’s developmental stage and the combination of children’s and teachers’ gender
谷本 由貴美 児玉 真樹子
PP. 151 - 160
A Study on Learning of Teacher Aspiring Students in Primary Teacher Education Curriculum (2)
PP. 161 - 170