16 号
2024-03-30 発行
ISSN : 1883-8200
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学
PP. -
A study on predicting of elementary school students' mistakes by university students in the Faculty of Education
保森 智彦
PP. 3 - 12
Relationship of Satisfaction and Successful Intelligence and the Modularized Teacher Training Programs: A Case of “Chabu-dai System” Produced by Yamaguchi University Faculty of Education.
沖林 洋平 阿濱 茂樹
PP. 13 - 21
Research on teaching perceptions of beginning university teachers with experience teaching at other schools.
真田 穣人 津田 真秀 岩佐 康弘 米田 敏彦
PP. 23 - 32
A Study of the Changes in Children’s Psychological and Social Ability Through Short-term Nature Activities
米沢 崇 北山 佳恵 馬越 夕椰 小川 楓果 石橋 将平
PP. 33 - 40
Middle Leaders' Competence Building in Student Guidance for Colleague Teachers: From the Expansion of the Japanese Version of Comprehensive School Counseling and Guidance Approach in City A
米田 成 山崎 茜 中林 浩子 米沢 崇
PP. 41 - 47
The Potential of Community Schools to Contribute to the Inheritance of Local Traditional Culture and Events: Through Analysis of Case Studies of Three Schools in City A
諏訪 英広 湯藤 定宗 大天 真由美 眞弓(田中) 真秀
PP. 49 - 59