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Issue 1
( 2007-09-01 )
Journal of Learning Science
Issue 1
Date of Issue:2007-09-01
current number
Department of Learning Sciences, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
Ishii Shinji
PP. 1 - 2
How did the "Active Child" come into Educational Theory?
Oelkers Jürgen
PP. 3 - 18
Some Issues in Philosophy for Children
van der Leeuw Karel
PP. 19 - 27
Evaluation : It's Role in Planning Educational Programs : A Personal Reflection
St Leger Pamela
PP. 29 - 37
Eine Entwicklungsstudie zur Dialogischen Didaktik Die Replikation von Takeji Hayashi's experimentellem Unterricht "Über den Menschen" in Deutschland
Dobashi Takara
Marsal Eva
PP. 39 - 52
Entfaltung des Bewusstseins upd Entwicklung der ethischen Werte Eine praktische Orientierung durch das "Philosophieren mit Kindern"
Dobashi Takara
Marsal Eva
PP. 53 - 62
Psychological Factors that enhance Sustainable Motivation for Lifelong Learning
Mori Toshiaki
Mishima Tomotaka
Furumoto Yui
PP. 63 - 71
Analyses of Curriculum Developments in "Kansas Comprehensive School Counseling Program (1997)"
Aoki Tazuko
PP. 73 - 82
A Scale of Emotional Suppression based on Experiences of Masking and Falsifying Emotions
Inoue Wataru
PP. 83 - 88
子どもの道徳的価値判断における対人関係認識の発達的変容 : 道徳授業におけるワークシートの分析を通して
Developmental Alteration of Human Relations Awareness in Children's Moral Judgments : Via Analysis of Worksheets in Morality Lessons
Suzuki Yumiko
Edama Mutsumi
Tochigi Erika
Nakao Kyouko
Matsuda Yoshiaki
Miyasato Tomoe
Morikawa Atsuko
PP. 89 - 97
Problems of the Peace Education Practice deduced from Recollecting the University Students
Yamauchi Noritsugu
PP. 99 - 109
The Review for the Variation of the Concept and the Methods of "Collaborative Learning"
Okibayashi Yohei
PP. 111 - 114
ブルーナーにおける構造論に関する一考察 : 「社会科」を中心として
A Study on Bruner's Concept with regard to the Structure Theory : A Focus on New Social Studies
Imai Yasuharu
PP. 115 - 120
図画工作科心象表現活動における児童の創造的な造形的イメージの広がりを導く図工教師の発話行為 : 教師と児童の言語的やりとりのカテゴリー化と解釈的分析を用いての検討
Coding and Interpretive Analysis of Verbal Interactions between Elementary School Teacher and Children in Art Classes
Wakayama Ikuyo
PP. 121 - 131
スイスにおける学校改革 <フォーラム>
School Reform in Switzerland <Forum>
Oelkers Jurgen
PP. 133 - 142
子どものための哲学:歴史・概念・方法 <フォーラム>
Philosophy for Children : Introductory Remarks <Forum>
van der Leeuw Karel
PP. 143 - 149