学習開発学研究 1 号
2007-09-01 発行

図画工作科心象表現活動における児童の創造的な造形的イメージの広がりを導く図工教師の発話行為 : 教師と児童の言語的やりとりのカテゴリー化と解釈的分析を用いての検討

Coding and Interpretive Analysis of Verbal Interactions between Elementary School Teacher and Children in Art Classes
若山 育代
578 KB
The purpose of this study was to investigate what type of verbal interactions between two art teachers of elementary schools and children enrich children's visual images for formation activity. Teacher and children's verbal interactions in second-grade and sixth-grade art classes were observed and analyzed in terms of coding and interpretive analysis. The results of this study indicated that teacher and children's verbal interactions could be classified into the following five types; "teacher-directed", "children-directed", "example presentation", "image enlarging", and "receptive". These verbal interactions would give children the opportunity to enrich and deepen their visual images which would play an important role for formation activity in art classes. These findings also suggested that verbal interactions would have the effects to facilitate "association" and "integration" of concepts on children's formative activity.
Verbal interactions
Enriching visual image
Art class
Elementary school
Copyright (c) 2007 広島大学大学院教育学研究科学習開発学講座