広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 55
published_at 2007-03-28

M. マクルーハンによる「メディア・アプローチ」の可能性 : メッセージ伝達におけるメディアの作用

M. McLuhan's Media Approaches and Its Possibility : Media Effects in Communication
Tokitsu Kei
432 KB
Educational studies have paid attention to media contents but not media effects in education as communication. This paper explores further possibilities of M. McLuhan's Media Approaches that consider media effects. By focusing on McLuhan's theories of typography and TV, the paper argues that McLuhan's Media Approaches have three stages. On first stage, he extracts a characteristic of one medium by comparison with another medium. On second stage, he analyzes typical users of the media- for example, children and schools in his case. And on third stage, he finds out effects of the media. However, his Media Approaches have limitations of his understanding insufficient media characteristics. We need to move beyond his limitations and renew Media Approaches. On this purpose, this paper takes advantage of Masachi Osawa's recent remarks on mobile phone. And the paper suggests that clarifying media effects with Media Approaches should have a possible shift of media perspectives. We have not only a relationship with others in communication. We also have a relationship with media in communication. In this understanding, the paper indicates that media effects regulate our communication.
Marshall McLuhan
typography and TV
mobile phone