広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 58 号
2009-12-25 発行

障害のある幼児との絵本の読み合いに関する研究 : 絵本の違いが実際の読み合いに与える影響の検討

A Study on the Shared Storybook Reading with Children with Disability : Effect of differences of storybook on storybook reading
真鍋 健
佐藤 智恵
1.14 MB
The purpose of this study is to reveal the effect of difference of storybooks on shared storybook reading, through actual shared storybook readings. 4 types of storybook were read for children with down syndrome at a small group activity and each times were analyzed using eyes analysis. As a result, it developed that the patterns of shared storybook reading were totally different depending on the presence of a structure of repeatedly. Especially, for storybook with story characteristics, it was indicated that connections between daily life experience and representation of storybook may be necessary. Finally, we discuss that how reader can understand the "ups and downs" of shared storybook reading
preschooler with disability
shared storybook reading