Features of identity status, classified by individuality and relatedness were investigated. Semi-structured interviews containing questions related to making a career choice were conducted with 23 participants who were classified into one of four status groups; maturity, relatedness dominance, individuality dominance and immaturity. The main results were as follows; (1) The process of making a career choice was consisted of 11 variables; a) "Active commitment", b) "Stagnation", c) "Analysis of self", d) "Low commitment", e) "Breadth of horizon", f) "Respect for initiative", g) "Trust of self", h) "Tenacity of ego", i) "Trust of others", j) "Influence of others", k) "Confirmation", (2) "Respect of initiative", "Trust of others" and "Confirmation" were closely related to maturity status, (3)" Low commitment" and" Influence from others" were not observed in maturity status, (4) "Tenacity of ego" was closely related to individuality dominance and immaturity status. Results suggest that differences in the making a career choice were related to a status which adolescence belong to.