広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 57 号
2008-12-26 発行


A Study of the Relationship between Teaching Ability and Mental Health of Teachers in Rural China
呂 光洙
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The purpose of this thesis was to clarify the relationship between the teaching ability and mental health of teachers. Author choose 428 primary and middle school teachers as the sample, adopted the "SCL-90 symptom measure form" and "Teaching ability questionnaire" as survey tools. The research results are as the following: The correlation coefficient showed there is no relationship between the mental health and teaching ability of the teachers. The C-coefficients of the association analysis showed only six significant relationships among 108 matrixes of mental health and teaching ability. The t-test among two means of teaching ability scores from the viewpoints of mental health showed there is no significant, and so is from the viewpoints of teaching ability. Therefore, in the case of now-working teachers, we should not be understood as "the closed relationship" between mental health and teaching ability. Author emphasized the separate policies to responding the lack of teaching ability and the destruction of mental health of teachers.
rural teacher
mental health
teaching ability