広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 52 号
2004-03-28 発行

戦間期広島高等工業学校の実験, 実習に関する考察

A Study on the Experiment and Practice in Hiroshima Higher Technical School during the Interwar Period
酒井 真
686 KB
This paper is intended to discuss the education by means of the experiment and practice in higher technical schools in modern Japan. This paper is focused on especially Hiroshima higher technical school. The findings of this study are as follows : (1) The fundamental education for engineers was thought as important in Hiroshima higher technical school. (2) It was thought that fundamental education was important in order to utilize in the spot. (3) In the education of Hiroshima higher technical school, the experiment and practice were taken in positively. (4) Hiroshima higher technical school purchased experiment equipments and machines every year, for corresponding to technical innovation. (5) The education of Hiroshima higher technical school shows the typical technical education of Japan.