広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 52
published_at 2004-03-28

地方自治体の教育行政に果たす首長のリーダーシップに関する研究 : 市長のリーダーシップを中心にして (その1)

A study on governors' ledership in performing local educational administration : Focus on municipal governors' leadership (1)
Nakata Tsukao
774 KB
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between the governor's leadership and local educational administration. Especially, I want to clarify the impact that governors' leadership gives to the policies of the Board of Education. The following leadership impact is a very important: factor in educational reform. 1) The mayors seek originality and creativity, and are striving for realization of an educational demand of residents with knowledge management. 2) Under the basis of certain conditions, the mayors support the necessity for the leadership of the head to local educational administration. 3) The role and mission of mayors become important in education, and the accountability is imposed on them acutely as nothing has been done until now. 4) The mayors, though the restrictions are being called for, are struggling to meet the demand of residents earnestly. 5) Decentralization and authority delegation are one of the integrated factors of educational reform. The mayors with true authority collaborate with residents to perform their tasks in order to improve the quality of life-long education.
Governors' Leadership
Local Educational Administration
Educational Reform