広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 61 号
2012-12-21 発行


Effects of Corrective Feedback in JFL Classrooms
藤原 ゆかり
576 KB
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the distribution of corrective feedback that teachers in foreign language classroom use. Also, it examines what type of errors triggers corrective feedback more than the others, what type of feedback is more effective than the others, and whether the use and effectiveness of different types of feedback differs between teacher-fronted and pair activities. Eleven hours of interaction in intermediate level Japanese-as-foreign-language classrooms are audio- and videorecorded. They were transcribed and analyzed for error type, feedback type, the presence or absence of uptake and/or repair. The results showed that the teachers in JFL classrooms were generally more attentive to learner's erroneous utterances than immersion teachers. Also, they corrected errors frequently in both teacher-fronted and pair activities, and students noticed the teachers' feedback, but they are more successful in correcting errors in pair activities than in the teacher-fronted activities. In addition, recast was the most commonly provided feedback and it is generally effective in both pair and teacher-fronted activities. Moreover, elicitation was more effective than recast. in the teacher-fronted activities, but not in the pair work activities.
corrective feedback
feedback type