In this study, for clarifying the views of pre-service teachers about teaching in physical education, we aim for examining a difference among grade with creating criteria for the concept. As the result, the following five points were clarified.
1) The views of teaching in physical education were divided into three categories: “Class that motivates students", “Class with good atmosphere", and “Ideal class".
2) As “Class that motivates students", pre-service teachers set out for physical education class to enhance a sense of athletic capability for their students and hold its fundamental idea.
3) The item included in the second factor is a class concept for “Learning atmosphere" as one of the forming conditions for good physical education.
4) “Ideal class" of the third factor includes a content that the pre-service teachers should set out for actualization of a good physical education and it is considered especially as a concept of physical education for “Fundamental condition".
5) Although there is no difference for grade in the selected factors, it was suggested that a views of pre-service teachers possess tend to be enhanced during the teachertraining stage.