広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 61 号
2012-12-21 発行

英語学習における失敗回避動機づけの発達的変化 : 小学校5年生から高校2年生までの横断的研究

The Developmental Change of Failure Avoidance Motivation in Learning English from 5th Grade through 11th Grade : A Cross Sectional Analysis.
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The aim of this study was to examine the structure and the developmental change of the failure avoidance for learning English in class (FALEC) and the failure avoidance for learning English to prepare for term or entrance examinations (FALE), and the degree of difficulty in English lessons (DDEL). A total of 742 students from 5th through 11th grade responded to a questionnaire composed of failure avoidance (FA) and the difficulty. The main results were as follows: First, the new three scales were constructed with α coefficient ranging from .78 to .82. Second, it was found that FALEC was related to Identified Regulation and FALE was related to External Regulation. Four clusters which were found through cluster analysis had different characteristics in selfdetermination motivation, anxiety and study hours at home. The typology based on FALEC, FALE and DDEL can be more successful in categorizing the students into types of motivation for learning English than that on self-determination motivation because failure avoidance was related to anxiety.
failure avoidance motivation
learning English
developmental change
scale construction