広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 61 号
2012-12-21 発行

学部生の社会科教育観の変容に関する一考察 : 社会科教員養成科目(教科の指導法(社会))におけるTA実施記録をもとに

A Study on the Developments of “Thought of Social Studies" of Undergraduate Students : Based on the TA Report of Social Studies Teacher-Training Course
後藤 賢次郎
699 KB
The aim of this study is to clarify the development of “Thought of Social Studies" of undergraduate students through the analysis of the TA report of social studies teacher-training course.

Results of this analysis are below: There are 3 steps on the development process. 1) The characteristics of thought on first step is divided and abstract as perspective to capture the essential features of social studies lessons. 2) The characteristics of thought on second step is integrated and functional as perspective to analysis and to develop lessons. 3) The characteristics of thought on third step is normative as criteria to evaluate and to improve lessons. These results suggest that the collaborative model of TA to design lessons in teacher-training program and that to make the role of teacher-training program of university/college clear. (132 words)
Social Studies
Thoughts of Social Studies
Teacher Education