広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 61
published_at 2012-12-21

占領下の日本における家庭科教育の成立と展開(XXVI) : 既製型紙の導入による被服教育の改革

The Establishment and Development of Homemaking Education in Japan under the Occupation (XXVI) : Reform of the clothing education by using ready-made sewing pattern
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The purpose of this report was to grasp the reform of the clothing education in upper secondary schools under the occupation. By the examination of the educational documents and the film of pattern making, the following points became clear as a result of the investigation. 1. After the World War II, as for the learning of the dressmaking in the high school home economics classes, a change was required about the method of using printed patterns. 2. Kiku Yamamoto as a homemaking administrator in the Ministry of Education and M. Williamson as a educationist in the CI&E made the plan of using readymade sewing patterns for shorten time to make clothing. 3. The Japanese committee made a lot of printed patterns and reference books for using them in the high school classes. 4.“PATTERN FOR Smartness"was the film produced by Simplicity Co. in 1948.

It was the excellent film to use ready-made sewing pattern in the school.
reform of the clothing education
secondary school
under occupation
Civil Information & Education Section