広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 61 号
2012-12-21 発行

否定命令としての「じゃないか」 : 語用論的側面から

-Janaika as a Negative Imperative Sentence : From a Pragmatic Point of View
金 志姫
504 KB
This article attempts to clarify under what conditions its function as a negative imperative is realized, by focusing on the fact that -janaika functions as a negative imperative sentence. We argue that -janaika functions as a demand for action under the following three conditions: (1) when the actor who brings about the present state is the second person; (2) when the alteration of the present state is controllable for the listener; and (3) when the listener's intention (or action) is contrary to the proposition, α or β, in the speaker's assumption “if α, then β", and when the listener's intention (or action) is alterable. As a negative imperative sentence, -janaika has a function that deters (or restrains) the listener's intention (or action). This function is, in large part, divided into type A and type B, depending on whether deterring (or restraining) the listener's current intention (or action) is to realize the intention in the utterance or to implement new action. Type A is a deterrence (or restraint) that enables both the speaker's assumption “if α, then β" and invited inference “if not α, then notβ" work effectively. Type B is a deterrence (or restraint) that directly affects the recognition of modality of assessment in the proposition β.
expression of a demand for recognition
speaker's assumption
invited inference
modality of assessment
negative imperative