広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 53
published_at 2005-03-28

歴史教育内容編成における内容配列順序の構造 : イギリス,1970年代初等・中等用歴史教科書(Schofield & Sims社)の分析を通して

The Structure of Sequence about the Formation of Teaching Contents of History : the case of for primary and secondary history textbooks which Schofield & Sims LTD. published in the 1970s
Takenaka Nobuo
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The aim of this study is to explain the structure of sequence about the formation of teaching contents of history textbooks which attached importance to the modern world. Therefore I used history textbooks which have been published in nearly same times from same publisher, inquired the formation, and the scope and sequence of teaching contents, compared the one for primary education with the one for secondary education, and analyzed the structure of the formation of teaching contents. Consequently, I explicated the scope structure that alternate from the study of change in social life to the study of change in social structure, the sequence structure that advance steadily about social image and the formation of teaching contents of history which gradually acquired ideas which explain the general society.
Teaching history
formation of teaching contents