広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 53 号
2005-03-28 発行

小学校社会科における見方・考え方の育成方略 : 単元「地図とはどのようなものでしょうか?地図について考えてみよう!」を事例として

The strategy for developing a new view of society in elementary social studies education : Unit plan "Considering maps, could you think what's map"
竹中 伸夫
田中 伸
二階堂 年惠
川上 秀和
808 KB
The purpose in this paper is to develop the strategy and lesson plan for teaching elementary social studies to introduce a new view of society. We developed the unit plan "Considering maps, could you think what's a map" which is organized so that a student's view of map might be raised from a low level to a high level. We have prepared two views of map to plan the unit. One is a copy-theory of map, i. e., a view of map that a map copies reality. Another is a composition-theory of map, i. e., a view of map that a map is selected and constituted of portions and elements in reality. As students at fourth grade have a copy-theory in everylife, we have planed the social studies lesson that they acquire a new view of map, a composition-theory of map,and practiced the plan in the attached Mihara elementary school, Hiroshima University.
Elementary social-studies
View of society
The copy theory or composition theory of map