学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 44 号
2016-03-24 発行

グローバル人材の育成をめざした留学生交流活動の開発 : 「主体性・積極性」「チャレンジ精神」に焦点をあてて

Development of exchange activity with the student studying abroad to bring global human resources up : “Independence and positivism” please focus on “challenge spirit”
森田 水加穂
米倉 智久
673 KB

Exchange activity with the student studying abroad to bring global human resources up at a kindergarten by this research is being developed. I focus on independence, positivism and challenge spirit required by upbringing of global human resources.

The outcome of a study is as follows. (1) I meet the student studying abroad who can’t speak Japanese. (Independence and positivism) Children were talking with a student studying abroad naturally. (2) A student studying abroad is in trouble. (Challenge spirit) A child is thinking for a student studying abroad and is behaving. (3) Talk isn’t transmitted to a student studying abroad because a word is different. (Challenge spirit) Children moved and it was being explained by a picture and an illustration book. (4) A student studying abroad is saying that he’d like to know Japanese play. (Independence and positivism, Challenge spirit) Easy play was chosen. A sample was being shown and it was being told politely.