学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 44 号
2016-03-24 発行

幼稚園教育実習における幼小連携に関する研究 : 自ら学ぶ意欲を育む教師のかかわりに着目して

A Study of Cooperation of a Kindergarten and an Elementary School for Through Practice Teaching Guidance In Kindergarten : Attention to the Relation of a Teacher Bringing up Will to Learn by Voluntarily
森田 水加穂
佐原 美穂
457 KB
This study investigated changes of kindergarten teacher student teachers during teaching practice at the affiliated kindergarten. This report focused on the teachers’ support, which fostered children’s motivation to learn by themselves. Self-learning motivation is required even at elementary schools. Fourth grade university student answered some open-ended questions.
The main findings are as follows:
(1) It is important to observe and understand carefully what a child feels and thinks;
(2) There are differences between kindergartens and elementary schools in the situation and timing of intervention for fostering children’s motivation to do something by themselves.