学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 44 号
2016-03-24 発行

子どもの主体的・協働的な課題解決による理科授業の開発 : 小学校における化学変化の見方や考え方に焦点をあてて

Development of Active and Collaborative Problem-Solving Learning in Science Lesson : Focused on Students’ Ideas about Chemical Change
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This study aimed to develop teaching materials through which elementary students can understand chemical change with their five senses, examine those effects for their understanding, and obtain suggestions for learning active and collaborative problem-solving. We conducted an experiment to examine effective combinations of esterification using some chemical reagents of carboxylic acid and alcohol, so we developed the contents and methods of the experiment for the students’ investigation. Then, we verified the effects of the materials for an understanding of chemical reaction through teaching practice and a questionnaire. Most students identified changes of substances through the sense of smell. Also, it was indicated that most of students grasped that two kinds of materials were related to each other for chemical reaction. From the above, it was inferred that it is possible to develop science teaching for elementary students to investigate chemical reactions through experimental activities focused on the sense of smell.