国際教育協力論集 19 巻 1 号
2016-10-31 発行

マラウイ中等学校における「良い学校改善実践」 : 教員の問題意識と教育観に着目して

“Good Practice to Improve Education” at Secondary School in Malawi: Focus on the Teachers’ Perspectives on Educational Problems and Views of Educational Values
川口 純
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850 KB
This paper analyzed the field research resulted in “Good practice to improve secondary school” in Malawi. We conducted the field research at five secondary schools and asked teachers about their good implementations in the school. There are mainly 3 good implementations, which we exacted from field research’s results.
First one is about utilizing PTA budged to improve quality of teaching. It is clear that some schools utilize the PTA budged for teachers who had good performance on quality of teaching, mainly based on students’ results on examination. The teachers are really encouraged to have reward and honored.
Second one is about mutual aid activities. All of the target schools prepare common baskets for poor students. The target schools collected some stationaries and small money from the students, the teachers and community people and shared these things for students with tough conditions of learning.
Last one is about fostering competitive culture in school. Most schools introduced the system, which is that high-performance students have priorities to have scholarships and good beds in their dormitory. The system encouraged them to compete to study among students.
In the perspectives of pedagogy and long term, these good implementations could be recognized as bad practice. However, teachers utilize limited resources to improve quality of education as much as they can.
本研究は科学研究費補助金(平成25-28年度 基盤研究B(一般))「途上国の前期中等教育における学校改善実践に関する国際比較研究」(研究代表者:吉田和浩)の成果の一部である。
Copyright (c) 2016 広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センター