25 巻
1 号
2022-10-31 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1344-2996
ONLINE ISSN : 1344-7998
発行元 : 広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センター
PP. 1 - 1
Making “copy lunches” instead of school lunches: From a survey of mothers with children who have food allergies and Muslim mothers
山ノ内 裕子
PP. 3 - 30
“Food Minority” in Japan’s “ Simultaneous Communitarianism” School Lunches: Food Allergy Response at the Sites that Provide School Lunches
四方 利明
PP. 31 - 51
Including Muslim Immigrants in the Public School Lunch Program in Higashihiroshima, Japan: A Migrant Integration Perspect
黒川 智恵美
PP. 53 - 66
The Current Status of Responses of Hospital Food Services to Religious Requests in Oita
浅田 憲彦
PP. 67 - 78
Current Awareness of Food Minority Response to Achieve Diversity in School Lunch: Allergies and Religious Responses in School Lunch
PP. 79 - 83
Children’s Water Recognition on the Southwest Coast of Bangladesh: Focus on Life Practices and School Education
山田 翔太 田中 志歩
PP. 85 - 98
Accepting the ‘Story’ of the Japanese Tutoring Schools: The Narratives of Tutoring School Staff and learners in Urban Indonesia
朝倉 隆道
PP. 99 - 111
Paradox of learner-centered education in developing countries: viewing from Japanese experience
斉藤 泰雄
PP. 113 - 128