2 巻
1 号
1999-03-01 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1344-2996
ONLINE ISSN : 1344-7998
発行元 : 広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センター
Toward International Cooperation in Human Development
杉下 恒夫
PP. 1 - 7
International Cooperation in Education by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture, Japan
吉尾 啓介
PP. 9 - 14
The Present State of Education Projects Funded by the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund
青木 早苗
PP. 15 - 21
A The Current Situation and Issues of Educational Cooperation by the Japan International Cooperation Agency
萱島 信子
PP. 23 - 33
Educational Cooperation by International Aid Agencies : A Case of UNICEF
澤 良世
PP. 35 - 40
International Cooperation in Education by NGOs : A Case of the Asia/Pacific Cultural Center for UNESCO
但馬 孝雄
PP. 41 - 48
A Discussion on the Results of the Science and Mathematics Education Manpower : Development Project (SMEMDP) in the Philippines (1994-1999)
大隅 紀和
PP. 49 - 62
The Current Status and Problems of the Group Training Course as Cooperation in Education : Focused on Science Education in Philippines and Pakistan
田中 春彦 上條 哲也 片山 弘倫
PP. 63 - 74
Experience and Perspectives on Japanese Aid to Basic Education with Particular Reference to Facility Construction of Primary Schools <Articles>
澤村 信英
PP. 75 - 88
Research ReportsEducation and Education Sector Programme in Sab-Sahara Africa
横関 祐見子
PP. 101 - 111
Applicability of Japan's Educational Experience to Developing Countries : An Analysis of JICA Trainees' Reports
卜部 朋
PP. 113 - 120