24 巻
1 号
2021-10-31 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1344-2996
ONLINE ISSN : 1344-7998
発行元 : 広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センター
Collaborations through the Dialogues in International Cooperation in Education: Formulating University-Policy-Practice-Partnership
PP. 1 - 16
Activities for students’ performance improvement in a primary school in Uganda: Case study
小澤 大成 CHARES Kyasanku MASEMBE Connie S.
PP. 17 - 27
Unrecognized Low-Fee Private Schools in Kenya: Whose role is it to support diverse needs?
大塲 麻代
PP. 29 - 45
Parents’ Attitudes towards Children’s Improvement of Learning Outcomes and their Expectations of Extra Classes: A Case Study in Junior High Schools in Ghana
西向 堅香子
PP. 47 - 60
Roles for Non-State Actors in Public Education: A Study on Private Tutoring and School Teachers in Cambodia
正楽 藍
PP. 61 - 75
The Position and characteristics of Lesson Study in the current school reforms in Vietnam
関口 洋平 Đoàn Nguyệt Linh
PP. 77 - 95
How the Non-formal Education Expansion is Forming a Structure that Affects the Quality of Education: A Case Study of Primary Education in Malawi in the Post-EFA Period
川口 純
PP. 97 - 107
Education Policy-Practice Coopertion in Africa and Asia
日下部 達哉 北村 友人
PP. 109 - 114
Research on the Characteristics of Applied and Practical Human Resource Creation in China’s Private Higher Education: Focusing on Local Systematization of Human Resource Creation
PP. 115 - 128
Issues on the higher education access of Myanmar migrants in Thailand
上別府 隆男
PP. 129 - 142
Development of structure for local education administration in the provincial governments: Japanese Experience
斉藤 泰雄
PP. 143 - 158
History and Perspective of JICA Partnership Program in Chugoku Region: Trend Analysis of Grass-Root International Cooperation and Case Study from the Viewpoint of Regional Characteristics
澁谷 和朗 斎藤 あい 藤田 かおり
PP. 159 - 175
School Lunch and Muslimness: A Case Study in Higashihiroshima City, Japan
黒川 智恵美 日下部 達哉
PP. 177 - 188