広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域
65 号
2016-12-22 発行
ISSN : 1346-5554
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
A Study on Method to Refine the Consideration with Argumentation in Lower Secondary School Science
PP. 1 - 7
Apparent Diversity of Igneous Rocks : Distribution of the granitic rocks and characteristic of lithologies
PP. 9 - 18
A Review of Research on Modeling in Science Teaching in Japan
雲財 寛
PP. 19 - 27
Rika (School Science) in Lower Grades at the Elementary School Attached to Hiroshima Higher Normal School : Analysis of Records from 1911 to 1919
山田 真子
PP. 29 - 36
Environmental Study in Elementary Geography in the United Kingdom by Analysis of Geographical School’s Textbook
由井 義通 村田 翔 阪上 弘彬
PP. 37 - 44
Geographical Contents in Primary School : An Analysis of the English Geography Textbook “Collins Primary Geography”
阪上 弘彬 村田 翔 由井 義通 杉谷 真理子 佟 亜斎娜 中村 勇介 橋本 訓典 今井 貴秀 氏原 秀 兒玉 泰輔 茂松 郁弥 竹下 紘平 陶 子 潘 意涵 山本 稜 横川 知司 吉川 友則 劉 思純
PP. 45 - 52
Why Do Pre-service Teachers Have Different Views and Lesson Planning Skills About Social Studies? : Focusing on freshmen to sophomore in same teacher training curriculum
大坂 遊
PP. 53 - 62
Introduction of Graduate School of Education in Korea and Its Impact : A Case of Seoul National University of Education’s Elementary Social Studies Education
金 鍾成
PP. 63 - 71
Direction of Housing Landscape Research in Japan
杉谷 真理子
PP. 73 - 79
Workplaces and Clothing of Heian Nobles : Examination of the Situational Changing of Clothes
孟 瑜
PP. 89 - 98
Why Reading Literature in Language Arts Curriculum Still Matters : From some considerations of contemporary discussions on literature instruction in US
PP. 99 - 108
The Relationship between the Unit Learning Theory and Literary Education in Early Post-war : Focus on the idea generation of thematic unit in Japanese language arts
池田 匡史
PP. 109 - 117
The Sentence-Final Particle de in the Okayama City Dialect
小畠 裕将
PP. 119 - 128
A Study on the Reader’s Self-dialogue in Literary Reading : A clue to the process of self-dialogue of Ryunosuke Akutagawa “Rashoumon”
武田 裕司
PP. 129 - 137
Utilizing Film for Teaching Close Reading of Soseki’s Novel “Kokoro”
松岡 礼子
PP. 139 - 148
Issues and Perspectives in Critical Reading Instruction of Expository Text : The concept of "critical" frameworks
村井 隆人
PP. 149 - 158
Linguistic Factors Influencing Acceptability Judgements of English Resultative Construction for Japanese Learners of English
平野 洋平
PP. 159 - 168
Another Step in Japanese Grammar : Toward a convincing grammatical explanation
PP. 169 - 175
Acquisition and Assessment of L2 Pronunciation Skills in Japanese Learners
PP. 177 - 186
Learning Strategies of Japanese Kanji-Words in Beginning Chinese Learners of Japanese : The effect of orthographic and phonological similarities between Chinese and Japanese
PP. 187 - 191
Conjunctive Expressions among Japanese Learners at Different Proficiency Levels in Problem-Solving Discourse : Negative Responses and the Consensus-Building Phase
伊藤 亜希
PP. 193 - 202
“Breadth” of Vocabulary and Vocabulary Test Development : A Review of Research in the Field of English Education for the Development of Vocabulary Test for Japanese Language Learners
ジャ ブルブル
PP. 203 - 210
The Effects of Shadowing Practices on the Formation of Phonological Representation in Chinese Students Learning Japanese as a Second Language : An Experimental Study Using the Lexical Decision Task of Japanese Kanji-Words
張 文青
PP. 211 - 220
Visual Recognition of Japanese Kanji-Words of Korean Students Learning Japanese in Korea : The effect of orthographic and phonological similarities between Korean and Japanese
柳本 大地
PP. 221 - 226
Visual Recognition of Japanese Kanji-Words on Korean Students Leaning Japanese in Advanced-level : Using lexical decision task of words with pre-presentation of Japanese sentences
柳本 大地 費 暁東 松見 法男
PP. 227 - 233
Processing of the Verb Phrase in Proficient Chinese Learners of Japanese : An experimental test using a phrase-acceptability judgment task
楊 潔氷
PP. 235 - 240
The Change of Time Devoted to Child Care by Fathers for 40 Years
PP. 241 - 248
What Kind of Restaurant Does the Characters on the Signboards Conjure Up?
今川 真治 小土井 貴子
PP. 249 - 256
Views of Students Undergoing Home Economics Teacher Training : Reconstructing the Human Life Sciences Curriculum of Hiroshima University
PP. 257 - 264
Female University Student’s View of Career Formation and Work-Life Balance
PP. 265 - 271
Die Eigenschaft der Violinspielstechnik von C. Flesch : „Die angewandte Technik“ auf den Schwerpunkt legend
PP. 273 - 282
Features of Singing in the Montessori Method : The Musical Education of Maccheroni
藤尾 かの子
PP. 283 - 292
The Narrative Methods like Dramaturgy on Ousaka-koenu-gonchunagon
魏 冰冰
PP. 302 - 293
The South Song Dynasty Edition of the Buddhist Canon(宋版一切経) Which Became Original Text of Kasuga Prints(春日版) the Five Volumes of Mahayana Sutras(五部大乗経)(2) : It depends on comparison of the sutra book sentence
PP. 312 - 303