広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 65 号
2016-12-22 発行

春日版『五部大乗経』の底本とされた宋版一切経(二) : 本文の比較による検討

The South Song Dynasty Edition of the Buddhist Canon(宋版一切経) Which Became Original Text of Kasuga Prints(春日版) the Five Volumes of Mahayana Sutras(五部大乗経)(2) : It depends on comparison of the sutra book sentence
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The Five Volumes of Mahayana Sutras (Hoke-kyo (法華経), Kegon-kyo (華厳経), Nehan-kyo (涅槃経), Daijik-kyo (大集経), Daibon hannya-kyo (大品般若経)) were printed at Kofuku-ji (興福寺) in Nara. Those were called Kasuga prints (春日版). Those were printed in the latter period in Kamakura era. The purpose of this thesis is to specify a dependence book of the Five Volumes of Mahayana Sutras.
The next things were found by this thesis.
1. A dependence book of Nehan-kyo (涅槃経) is Touzenji-ban hokokubon (東禅寺版補刻本).
2. Dependence books of Kegon-kyo (華厳経), Daijik-kyo (大集経) and Daibon hannya-kyo (大品般若経) are Sikei-ban (思渓版).
However, I also found out that Kasuga edition has revised the text by old copied sutras in Japan.
the South Song Dynasty Edition of the Buddhist Canon
the text of Kasuga prints
the Five Volumes of Mahayana Sutras
the old copied sutras in Japan