The Five Volumes of Mahayana Sutras (Hoke-kyo (法華経), Kegon-kyo (華厳経), Nehan-kyo (涅槃経), Daijik-kyo (大集経), Daibon hannya-kyo (大品般若経)) were printed at Kofuku-ji (興福寺) in Nara. Those were called Kasuga prints (春日版). Those were printed in the latter period in Kamakura era. The purpose of this thesis is to specify a dependence book of the Five Volumes of Mahayana Sutras.
The next things were found by this thesis.
1. A dependence book of Nehan-kyo (涅槃経) is Touzenji-ban hokokubon (東禅寺版補刻本).
2. Dependence books of Kegon-kyo (華厳経), Daijik-kyo (大集経) and Daibon hannya-kyo (大品般若経) are Sikei-ban (思渓版).
However, I also found out that Kasuga edition has revised the text by old copied sutras in Japan.