広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 65 号
2016-12-22 発行

家庭科教員養成における教科観の構築に関する研究 : 広島大学人間生活系コースにおけるカリキュラムの検討・改善をめぐって

Views of Students Undergoing Home Economics Teacher Training : Reconstructing the Human Life Sciences Curriculum of Hiroshima University
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We reconsidered the core subject of the human life sciences education curriculum at Hiroshima University to examine the views of students undergoing home economics teacher training. Although it is possible to understand the task of living conceptually and abstractly, an issue that students were taught in the previous year, our study revealed that students did not understand their role as prosumers. In addition, we found that understanding of Home Economics as a background science did not help. We confirmed the effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) in advance, by testing students who took the same subjects in a previous year. Moreover, we examined product and performance issues including cooking practice, and proposed a learning process to address the issue proactively and cooperatively. This proposed process involves the recognition of conscious living by deeply examining important issues, to enhance students’ awareness of their role as prosumers, and highlighting the significance of Home Economics as a background science.
Home Economics Teacher Training
Views of Subject
Home Economics
Task of living