広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 65 号
2016-12-22 発行

中国語を母語とする初級日本語学習者における日本語漢字単語の学習ストラテジー : 中日2言語間の形態・音韻類似性を操作した実験的検討

Learning Strategies of Japanese Kanji-Words in Beginning Chinese Learners of Japanese : The effect of orthographic and phonological similarities between Chinese and Japanese
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In this present study, we investigated the learning strategies of Japanese Kanji-Words in beginning Chinese learners of Japanese language. The listening dictation test and learning strategies of Japanese Kanji-Words were applied. The inhibitory effects of the orthographic similarity and the facilitatory effects of the phonological similarity were observed in the listening dictation test. When Chinese learners of Japanese language listen to Japanese Kanji-Words, phonological similarities between Chinese language and Japanese language are used to understand the meaning of a word as very important clues. The beginning learners who learn Japanese Kanji-Words use Chinese pronunciation is more than half. However, compared with the results of the listening dictation test such learners who don’t use Chinese pronunciation, may be able to use Japanese Kanji-Word pronunciation in Chinese unconsciously. In order to reduce the negative effects of native language, by learners themselves from an early stage, will be important to clarify the orthographic and phonological similarities or dissimilarities between Chinese language and Japanese language.
learning strategies
auditory presented
orthographic similarity
phonological similarity