広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 65 号
2016-12-22 発行

韓国語を母語とする上級日本語学習者における日本語漢字単語の視覚的認知 : 文先行呈示による語彙判断課題を用いた実験的検討

Visual Recognition of Japanese Kanji-Words on Korean Students Leaning Japanese in Advanced-level : Using lexical decision task of words with pre-presentation of Japanese sentences
柳本 大地
716 KB
The purpose of this study is to investigate visual recognition of Japanese kanji-word processing on advanced-level Korean students learning Japanese. In the experiment, high-constraining of sentences were used as pre-presentation conditions, and orthographic and phonological similarities between the Korean and Japanese language were treated as independent variables, while the reaction times from the visual lexical decision task were assigned as the dependent variables. The result shows that the facilitation effect was only observed in the phonological similarities. Indicating that no facilitation effect in the orthographic similarities was found, in contrast to Yanamoto (2015) findings based on the context exclusion word recognition process of advanced-level Korean students learning Japanese. In a word recognition process of Korean students in sentence context, the effect of phonological similarities of the words was significant as well as the effect of context.
Japanese Kanji-words
Korean students
pre-presentation of sentences
orthographic and phonological similarities
high-constraining of sentences