This paper aims at clarifying how Graduate School of Education that was built in Korea in 2013 for the first time addresses the question “What kind of teacher education is needed in a new era?” To achieve the research goal, Seoul National University of Education’s Elementary Social Studies Education course was set as a case. The school’s intended curriculum and student’s achievements following the curriculum were analyzed. Document research using the School Catalog was practiced to find out the School’s educational objective and its curriculum. Also, interviews and lesson observations were practiced to find out the achieved curriculum that is related to how students learned at the school. Especially, the later research was divided into two parts: (1) a case of one doctorate degree course student’s growth through one subject, (2) a case of two master course students’ growth through two and half years, which is the entire masters degree period. As a result, it was possible to say that Graduate School of Education in Seoul National University of Education (1) tries to unify theory and practice in the classroom through the action research method, and (2) puts emphasis on subject matter education, which gives opportunities for teachers to grow. This is achieved by suggesting teachers have a professional subject matter, researching about teaching and learning from it, and bringing the research results back to the classroom even though they are elementary school teachers. Also, the graduate school students who participated in this research showed that they achieved the school’s intentions such as (1) and (2). This research clarified the Korean Graduate School of Education’s own definition of professional image which is different from Japan’s image that focuses on educating class management skill, student guidance ability, and teaching and learning methods irrespective of specific subject matter.