広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 65 号
2016-12-22 発行

説明的文章の批判的読みの学習指導論の課題と展望 : 「批判」概念の枠組みを手がかりに

Issues and Perspectives in Critical Reading Instruction of Expository Text : The concept of "critical" frameworks
村井 隆人
879 KB
This paper discusses various perspectives on the issue of critical reading instruction of expository text, examining six representative instruction theories. I construct the concept of “critical” frameworks by classifying critical thinking and critical education in a discussion of instruction theories. This framework is constructed by three components: the goal of critical reading; the target of critical reading; the content of teaching. In this framework, the goals of critical reading are “analytical” or “innovative”. The target of critical reading has four elements; argument, figure of speech, background, and ideology. The content of teaching has two elements; “reason” and “reflection”. Examination of six instruction theories revealed three types; (a) analytical and reasonable instruction, (b) analytical instruction involving reflection, and (c) innovative and reflective instruction. Type (a) is considered problematic in previous critical thinking research. Type (b) addresses the problems of type (a). In addition, type (c) incorporates social connectivity. Thus, I propose that it would be valuable for perspectives of critical reading instruction of expository text to further develop type (b) and type (c).
Expository text
Critical Reading
Critical Thinking
Critical Education