広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 61
published_at 2012-12-21

動詞学習における事象の切り出しの手がかり : 英語を母語とする日本語学習者を対象に

Cues for Extraction of Event Subcomponents on Verb Learning : A study on English-speaking Japanese learners
Sakamoto Kyoko
721 KB
This paper examined the type of cues used by English-speaking intermediate and advanced learners of Japanese when they map novel verbs onto event representations. In particular, we investigated whether they could use structural information (the number of arguments), case particles and thematic roles, in extracting subcomponents of causative events consisting of an Action subcomponent (e.g., a bear pushes a rabbit) and a Result subcomponent (e.g., a rabbit falls down). We conducted two experiments and found the following results. First, to extract subcomponents, high-proficiency learners could use the same cues as Japanese native speakers; however, when they heard a verb in a transitive frame with two arguments or in a sentence with no arguments, their use of those cues is different from Japanese native speakers. Second, low-proficiency learners basically used only thematic roles as a cues to extract subcomponents, although they could extract the same subcomponent as advanced learners when they heard verb with two arguments.
verb learning
causative event
lexical concept
argument ellipsis
case marker