広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 60 号
2011-12-22 発行


The Implosive Marks and the T-implosive(舌内入声音) in Jodo Shinshu's(浄土真宗) Texts of the Middle Ages
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The purpose of this study is following two points. 1. Check a function of the implosive marks. 2. Consider the pronunciation of the t-implosive in the Middle Ages in Japan. As a result of examination of this study, the next points became clear. 1. The "急入声点" implosive marks are added to the t-implosive and the assimilated sound. 2. The "緩入声点" implosive marks are added to ki/ku/fu-implosive sound. But the texs that these implosive marks were added were extremely limited. Furthermore, Shinran(親鸞) who was a scholar of those implosive marks, did not add those marks in the texs which in the kanji kana mixture sentence. From the above mentioned situation, when it was limited, the t-implosive was realized. Therefore, we must not think that the t-implosive was kept in all cases of the Japanese Chinese word until an end in the Muromachi era.
implosive marks
Japanese pronunciation of a Chinese character