広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 60 号
2011-12-22 発行

芸術の媒材としての言葉の教育の成立可能性 : 熊谷孝氏の論を手がかりに

How Can We Give Lessons of Native Tongue as Vehicles for Grace? : The theory of Mr. Kumagai is helpful leads to finding it
鈴木 愛理
397 KB
Words works as the vehicles of reading which grow up "one thought", when they are recognized as important with the flexibility of the words. In other words, the education (lesson) of words as the vehicles for grace is to bring up readers to be able to find "the common(yoke) point" between a word and their experience. When their emotion without words meets the word which can move them (their heart), they can recognize that they understood that the emotion was there before they knew the word. The theory of Mr. Kumagai is to renew "thought" by meeting with the words. I insist that the education of literature is possible by bringing up readers to think how is the word leads to vehicles for grace, and to know the preciousness that it is to hard to get the answer that the words could be the vehicles for grace. Reading is personal and individual deed, but, the words which are read already is possible to share each other. On this truth, I insist that we can educate (lesson) words as vehicles for grace
words as vehicles for grace