広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 57
published_at 2008-12-26

「聞くこと」の教育における能力観の推移 : 小学校学習指導要領の目標の検討を通して

Transition of Conceptions of Ability in Education of "Listening" : An Examination of Achievement-goal in The Course of Study for Elementary School
Fujikawa Kazunari
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The purpose of this research is to clarify transition of conceptions of ability in the education of "listening". Having become clear by consideration is the following two points. 1. The purpose of the education "listening" has been narrowed down to "understanding the talk correctly". 2. There were also the following targets, before narrowing down the purpose. "Using the heard contents in one's own life", "Evaluating the heard contents", "Being conscious of one's way of hearing". The following two proposals were made in the education of "listening". 1. The lost elements should be a premise for attaining the contents made into the purpose now. 2. It is important to have a class being conscious of elements with which the teacher was lost.
the domain of "listening" of elementary education
the course of study
achievement-goal in education of "listening"
conceptions of ability in education of "listening"