広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 56 号
2007-12-28 発行

見方・考え方を育てる中学校地理授業の開発(2) : 小単元「道路は誰のもの?」の場合

A Study on Developing a New View of Society in Geography Course in Junior High School : Unit plan "Whose is 'Douro', route and street?"
田口 紘子
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The purpose in this paper is to develop the lesson plan for teaching junior high school social studies to consider "Douro" (route and street). We developed the unit plan "whose is Douro?". The aim of this plan is for children to recognize the perspectives and views of "Douro". We have prepared two views of space to plan the unit. One is a Neoclassical economics view. It thinks "Douro" from a bird's-eye viewpoint. Another is a view of Commons Studies. It reflects "Douro" from the viewpoint of our daily life. As students have a common knowledgement view already, we have planed the lesson that they recognize a common knowledgement view, a Neoclassical economics view, and a view of Commons Studies. As a result of this plan,students will be able to consider how to society using three views.
junior high school geography course
view of society
neoclassical economics
commons studies.