広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 56 号
2007-12-28 発行

持久性テスト「5分間歩行」の検討 : 「400m歩行」と「500m歩行」との比較

An examination about Endurance Test "5 Minutes Walk" : Comparison with "400m walk" and "500m walk"
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The purpose of this research is to examine "5 minutes 400m walk" and "5 minutes 500m walk". The main results obtained were as follows: 1. The physique and flexibility and endurance of experimental group were the same as the national average. 2. The heart rate of "500m walk" was compared with "400m walk", and was high value while walking. 3. In "500m walk", the highest number of Heart Rate was "144.86 beats/minute", and the number of average Heart Rate was "132.77 beats/minute". 4. In "400m walk", the highest number of Heart Rate was "117.64 beats/minute", and the number of average Heart Rate was "112.66 beats/minute".
Endurance Test
5 Minutes Walk