Journal of Learning Science
Issue 8
Date of Issue:2015-03-16
current number
ISSN : 1883-8200
Publisher : Department of Learning Sciences, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
PP. -
Development of learning science after learning psychology
PP. 3 - 16
Is onomatopoeia used to express basic emotions in Japanese? : An exploratory study using facial expression stimuli <Research Article>
PP. 37 - 42
The Intention to Change the Negative Self and Self-Development in the Feelings of Self-Disgust <Research Article>
Aoki Tazuko Takeuti Kento Yoshioka Mariko
PP. 43 - 47
Survey Study about Shokuinshitsu (Faculty Room) Culture (Ⅰ) <Research Article>
Hayashi Takashi Yonezawa Takashi Zhou Lanjun Kawahara Yoko
PP. 49 - 58
The Relation between School Children’s Trust in Teachers and Teachers’ Behavior : From the Developmental Perspective <Research Article>
Kodama Makiko Kawamoto Ryutaro
PP. 81 - 88
Reification of the German Enlightenment by Focusing on Braunschweigisches Journal (1) <Research Article>
PP. 89 - 96
Comparing Niko Niko Room’s educational support effects of university students, elementary students, and guardians (7) : Questionnaires from 2013 <Research Article>
Oka Naoki Kojima Nanae Kodama Makiko
PP. 97 - 103
PP. 127 - 133
Dietary education for university students : Effect of putting the poster related to diet or nutrition in the sign stand on university cafeteria dining tables <Research Article>
Tominaga Mihoko Hamabata Michiko
PP. 159 - 165
A Developmental Study on the Acquisition of Japanese Sentence-Final Particle “no” and “n” in Hiroshima Dialect Speaker <Research Article>
Nagata Riyouta Itoh Masako
PP. 167 - 174
The study on the bed-time routine in co-sleeping : Analysis of free description by using text mining method <Research Article>
Hamazaki Takashi Yoshida Mina
PP. 175 - 183
Early Childhood Education and Care Teachers’ Feelings of Trust in Children <Research Article>
Okamoto Kaori
PP. 185 - 194
The Effect of Parsing on Comprehension of Foreign Language Texts <Research Article>
Suzuki Akio
PP. 195 - 202
Which aspects of listening comprehension does the shadowing method facilitate? <Research Article>
Nakayama Tomokazu Suzuki Akio Matsunuma Mitsuyasu
PP. 203 - 209
A study of the expression of helping behavior of elementary school and junior high-school students : Observing the appearance of “omoiyari” that is not expressed in action <Research Article>
PP. 211 - 221
Study of Bruner’s Educational Theory (4) : College student days <Research Article>
Imai Yasuharu
PP. 223 - 229
The case study on the operation method of the management by objectives in a certain public high school <Research Article>
Suwa Hidehiro
PP. 231 - 240
Effects of Peace Education’s on Peace Building Awareness <Research Article>
Yamasaki Akane Okibayashi Yohei Ishii Shinji Suzuki Yumiko Morikawa Atsuko
PP. 241 - 244
Who is the Human Being as a Bodily Subject? <Research Article>
Legrand Dorothée Higuchi Satoshi
PP. 245 - 254
Short history of research in learning science at Hiroshima University : research bulletin output <Research Article>
PP. 255 - 272