広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 56
published_at 2007-12-28

電子耳を使用しての受聴と発声の音色知覚の変化の考察 : その2

A Study of Change in Perceived Tone of Received and Produced Sound by Use of Oreille Electronique II
Matsunaga Misa
762 KB
Thomatis Method is a training method which seeks to improve vocalization by way of improving hearing abilities. The previous study (2006) introduced a variation of this method, in which Japanese students majoring mainly in Music, with no prior training in hearing-improvement, were given regular singing lessons using the oreille electronique tuned for Italian, one of the most commonly used languages in the field of vocal music. How students perceived the tones of sounds that they hear or produce in five different languages, i.e. Japanese, English, Russian, Italian and American, was tested before and after the lessons to see if there was any change. The test in Italian was repeated after one week to examine the extent of retention of the changes. In the current study, the oreille electronique tuned for Japanese, the language in which the subjects in the 2006 study, despite being its native speakers, marked lower scores than in any other language on the test of perceived tones both before and after the lessons, is used in addition to the one tuned for Italian, in which they marked the highest scores. The same subjects, with no hearing-improvement training, are given regular singing lessons for a certain period of time. The outcomes of the lessons are evaluated, again, by changes in perceived tones of received and produced sounds in the five languages. Analyses also focus on how the subjects' abilities to discern the pass-band of the Japanese language change as a result of the lessons.
improvement of hearing ability
improvement of vocalization
Tomatis Method
oreille electronique
perceived tone of sound