広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 56
published_at 2007-12-28

1908(明治41)年8月の清国五台山における一会談とその波紋 : 外交記録から見る外務省の対チベット施策と大谷探検隊

A Certain Meeting and the Influence in Wutaishan 五台山 in Qin 清 Country on August, 1908 : Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan to Tibet from diplomatic records of Japan and exploration
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Britain invaded capital Lhasa in Tibet in September, 1904 at the time of the war of Japan-Russia. Britain put pressure directly on Dalai Lama the 13th who has inclined to Russia. At that point, though Dalai Lama the 13th could escape from Lhasa, he couldn't find the place to stay outside in China (清Qing) because Russia was defeated by Japan. To Dalai Lama, having been upset in this situation, to say nothing of Britain, Russia, China, the countries such as Germany, France, and Japan also attempted coming in contact to him. He was an existence being made a focus in the international society. At that time, The Buddhism religious organization, Nishi-Hongan-ji 西本願寺in Japan which Ōtani Kōzui 大谷光瑞guided, held talks with Dalai Lama the 13th in Wutaishan 五台山, and this Buddhism religious organization also affected Dalai Lama the 13th, but this effect has grown friction between Japanese foreign policy which was trying adapting for the change of the international situation after the Russo-Japanese War and that of Ōtani. I give some consideration to it referring to the Japanese diplomatic records.
Dalai Lama the 13th
Ōtani Kōzui
Japanese diplomatic records