学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 Issue 44
published_at 2016-03-24

インクルーシブ教育システムの基盤となる学習環境整備のあり方の検討 : 通常学級の教員による特別支援学級での授業実践から

Study of learning environment development of the way to become the foundation of inclusive education system : From teaching practice in a special classroom by teachers in regular class
Kawaguchi Maki
461 KB
Do the practice of promoting an understanding of the children of diversity and disorder enrolled in regular classes in the exchange and collaborative learning and subject learning, was aimed to verify the effect. Special support is not a homeroom class faculty, through to create a lesson plan of the special support class, noticed the actual situation of the special support children that cannot be captured only daily exchanges, as well as consider the way of support, the teaching plan actually take advantage of the special support area on the perspective, the concept by making the class alive, it was decided to continue making the child support of each class. It was thought to be able to go to enrich more the guidance of the subjects of elementary school by going to reveal the development and acquisition method of one person a child of the value of the concept.