幼年教育研究年報 34 巻
2012-07-31 発行

幼児に対する体罰に関する高校生の信念に及ぼす意見交換の影響 <原著論文>

The effects of a high school student discussion about corporal punishment on young children <Original work paper>
越中 康治
904 KB
The purpose of this study was to examine whether exchanging opinions in a high school classroom setting affected the participants' beliefs regarding corporal punishment. The students' opinions regarding the idea that “young children should never be physically punished under any circumstances" were explored before and after the discussion. A text mining analysis was conducted to scrutinize the reasons behind the students’ opinions. It was found that there was significant change in the percentage of students who were for and against corporal punishment due to the discussion. After exchanging their opinions, the high school students tended to change their viewpoint and support corporal punishment. They stated that such action could not be avoided in some circumstances. This is justified by their conclusion that words alone could never tell young children others' pain.
本稿は平成22-23年度科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B),研究代表者: 越中康治,課題番号22730510)の補助を受けたものである。
corporal punishment
development of morality
exchanging opinions
high school student
Copyright (c) 2012 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会