34 巻
2012-07-31 発行
ISSN : 0388-3078
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科附属幼年教育研究施設
Support of an University for Preschool Teachers' Professionalism : From the Present Conditions of three nations of Japan, South Korea and China <Summary of International Symposium on Early Childhood Education and Care>
PP. 5 - 16
PP. 19 - 26
Changes in the Attitudes of Parents Following a Child-Rearing Support Program for Children Under 4 Years Old : Comparison of May and November Questionnaire Findings <Original work paper>
滝口 圭子 吉村 淳美
PP. 27 - 34
The Role of Putting Stickers into the Individual Child Attendance Notebooks in a Kindergarten <Original work paper>
財満 由美子 島津 礼子 劉原 婧璇 笠井 雄介 程 美玲 楊 世妍
PP. 35 - 43
Development of numerical representation in young children : Examination by a number-to-position task and other related tasks <Original work paper>
浦上 萌
PP. 45 - 52
Effect of Ascertainment of Victim’s Affection and Intentionality on Interventions by Students in Early Childhood Education Course : The Case of Children with Difficulties of Facial Expression <Original work paper>
芝崎 美和
PP. 53 - 61
The effects of a high school student discussion about corporal punishment on young children <Original work paper>
越中 康治
PP. 63 - 70
A Practical Study of the Cooperation among Reseachers, Professionals and Teachers for supporting a developmentally challenging kindergartener. <Original work paper>
PP. 71 - 78
The Study about Animal Assisted Education in Early Childhood Facility : The example of Graz in Austria <Original work paper>
飯野 祐樹 大野 歩 七木田 敦
PP. 79 - 84