幼年教育研究年報 34 巻
2012-07-31 発行

被害児の感情確認と加害児の意図性が保育学生の介入行動についての認識に与える影響 : 感情表出に問題のある幼児への対応 <原著論文>

Effect of Ascertainment of Victim’s Affection and Intentionality on Interventions by Students in Early Childhood Education Course : The Case of Children with Difficulties of Facial Expression <Original work paper>
芝崎 美和
1.05 MB
This study examined the effects of ascertainment of negative feelings of victims with positive facial expressions and intentionality on interventions. Participants were 50 undergraduate students. Almost of them had selected occupations as child care worker after graduation. The experimental design was intentionality (2: intentional, accidental)× ascertaining victim’s affection (2: ascertaining, not ascertaining). Results showed that subjects encouraged perpetrators to apologize to victims when subjects ascertained victim’s negative feelings, or when perpetrators had hurt victims intentionally. Additionally, Subjects considered perpetrators feeling guilty higher in situations that they had hurt victims accidentally. It was also indicated that subjects encouraged perpetrators to apologize sincerely than instrumentally when perpetrators had hurt victims intentionally and victims’ negative feeling were ascertained.
facial expression
ascertaining feelings
Copyright (c) 2012 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会