37 巻
2015-10-15 発行
ISSN : 0388-3078
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科附属幼年教育研究施設
The 50th anniversary <Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Research Institute of Early Childhood Education, Hiroshima University>
山崎 晃
PP. 5 - 5
50th anniversary congratulations message <Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Research Institute of Early Childhood Education, Hiroshima University>
鳥光 美緒子
PP. 7 - 7
Sustainable development in early childhood education and psychology <Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Research Institute of Early Childhood Education, Hiroshima University>
PP. 9 - 9
Interview with Seisoh Sukemune and Shigeru Mori <Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Research Institute of Early Childhood Education, Hiroshima University>
PP. 11 - 11
The 50th anniversary of the Research Institute of Early Childhood Education <Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Research Institute of Early Childhood Education, Hiroshima University>
祐宗 省三
PP. 13 - 14
The history of Research Institute of Early Childhood Education and the development of early childhood education courses at the Graduate School of Education <Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Research Institute of Early Childhood Education, Hiroshima University>
森 楙
PP. 15 - 23
Projects of supporting kindergarten teachers’ practical research : Collaboration between the Research Institute of Early Childhood Education and Hiroshima Private Kindergarten League <Collaboration with the local community>
PP. 27 - 29
How the collaborative research with Hiroshima Private Kindergarten League began <Collaboration with the local community>
PP. 31 - 31
My thoughts on supporting the practical research of kindergarten teachers <Collaboration with the local community>
PP. 33 - 34
How kindergarten teachers create a sense of distance during research : Collaborative research conducted by Hiroshima Private Kindergarten League and the Research Institute of Early Childhood Education <Collaboration with the local community>
中丸 元良
PP. 35 - 36
Collaboration between kindergarten teachers and researchers in practice research : Difference in recognition of practice research <Collaboration with the local community>
境 愛一郎 浦上 萌 上山 瑠津子 伊藤 優 七木田 敦 杉村 伸一郎 中坪 史典
PP. 37 - 45
Collaboration between kindergarten teachers and researchers in practice research : The role of graduate students <Collaboration with the local community>
伊藤 優 浦上 萌 上山 瑠津子 境 愛一郎 七木田 敦 杉村 伸一郎 中坪 史典
PP. 47 - 53
Collaborative research with the Institute of Early Childhood Education Research, Beijing Normal University <International relations>
PP. 57 - 58
Early childhood education in China : Prior foreign influences and alternative directions in the future <International relations>
霍 力岩 劉 郷英
PP. 59 - 64
Considering play when designing a daily program for children : The importance of continuity and autonomy in establishing a ‘culture of play’ in early childhood education <Special Contribution>
小川 博久
PP. 67 - 73
The relationship between emotional understanding and social skills in young children <Research papers>
清水 寿代 鄭 暁林 浦上 萌 上山 瑠津子 三宅 英典 永野 美咲 藤岡 真紀 清水 健司 杉村 伸一郎
PP. 75 - 83
A study of children’s play transition in the forest environment : Focus on the play area and play activity <Research papers>
河口 麻希 森 依子 侯 盛濱 城田 花弥 七木田 敦
PP. 85 - 90
Resilience and a Sense of Ibasho in adulthood : A study to female college subjects <Research papers>
芝﨑 美和 吉村 淳子
PP. 91 - 98
A comparative study of child-nurturing considerations of mothers and fathers of children with disabilities : Qualitative Analysis by Focus Group Interview <Research papers>
松井 剛太 七木田 敦
PP. 99 - 106
Relationships between nursery teachers’ reflection and perception of practical skills : Comparison of reflection pattern by cluster analysis <Short report>
上山 瑠津子 杉村 伸一郎
PP. 107 - 113