33 巻
2011-12-01 発行
ISSN : 0388-3078
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科附属幼年教育研究施設
Emotional Labor as an Early Childhood Teacher Strategy : From the Analysis of a Class of Three-Year-Old Kindergarten Students
中坪 史典 金子 嘉秀 中西 さやか 富田 雅子
PP. 5 - 13
A Pilot Study on Perspectives of Assessing the Development of Preschool Children : Exploiting "Project Spectrum" as a Clue
山内 紀幸 山内 淳子
PP. 15 - 30
A study on the child-caring belief of the students in early childhood education course
佐藤 智恵
PP. 31 - 39
The relationship between white lie and executive function in young children
近藤 綾 淺田 英恵 水口 啓吾 杉村 伸一郎
PP. 41 - 48
Examination of young children's fantasy-reality distinction task
大田 紀子 杉村 伸一郎
PP. 49 - 54
An educational camp for elementary schoolchildren with developmental disabilities : Comparison of pre-and post-questionnaire findings from parents and children
滝口 圭子 寺田 容子 柳 優美 武澤 友広 近藤 武夫 磯部 美良 落合 俊郎
PP. 55 - 64
Dispute on Conception of "Classroom Integration" in China : the view point of the theory of Chen Yunying
趙 京玉
PP. 65 - 71
A function of Imitation in 5-years old children's Play
岡花 祈一郎 牧 亮太 佐藤 裕樹 浅川 淳司 杉村 伸一郎
PP. 73 - 78
Effect of Victim's Facial Expression and Intentionality on Interventions : predictions by students in early childhood education
芝﨑 美和
PP. 79 - 88
Investigation of childcare persons support program on childcare contents "human relations"
西山 修
PP. 89 - 96
Effects of an aggressor's authority on preschoolers' judgments about aggressive behavior
越中 康治
PP. 97 - 103
The germination of creation in young children's imitation
浅川 淳司 杉村 伸一郎 岡花 祈一郎 牧 亮太 鄭 暁琳
PP. 105 - 113
The child care student's causal attribution and correspondence to ADHD behavioral feature
濱田 祥子
PP. 115 - 123
Transition Support of a child with developmental disability : The case that the connection with the elementary school didn't go for smoothly
真鍋 健
PP. 125 - 132
The Study about Animal Assisted Education in Early Childhood Education in Sweden : Considering from Forested Education with Mulle
飯野 祐樹 七木田 敦 大野 歩
PP. 133 - 139